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Almost the Delyn

Hard | 30+km | 8hrs

Route Description

Start Point: Main Car Park at Moel Famau. Car Par has toilet facilities. There is a fee to park here.

Grid Reference : SJ173612

The Delyn Challenge was an annual endurance event held along the Clwydian Range. This route reminisces Delyn Challenge with a little bit added on, just in case you found it too easy. Expect to be out most of the day on this one, and don’t expect it to be plain sailing. He who takes this route too lightly, can expect to pay a heavy price – sore legs at the very least! So go on, get out there and enjoy it!


On The Map

Address: Start Point: Main Car Park at Moel Famau. Grid Reference : SJ173612
Area: North Wales
Visit Wales Grading: 5*****
Grade: Hard
Height Climbed (metres): 1605
Route Type: Mountain Bike Trail
Ride Time (hours): 8
Distance: 30+km
OS Map Required: OS Explorer 265
Trail Facilities: Local

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Loop de Loop

Comprising of 5 interlinked loops, this route really has the potential to test even the mo ...
Comprising of 5 interlinked loops, this route really has the potential to test even the most hardened rider!

Going Backwards

Ridden in a clockwise direction this ride really does have a wilderness feel about it.
Ridden in a clockwise direction this ride really does have a wilderness feel about it.

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      Not only home to lime-loving plants such as Fairy Flax and Bloody Cranesbill, they also attract important pollinators such as the Pearl Bordered Fritillary.