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Tough at the Top

Hard | 30+km | 4.5hrs

Route Description

Start Point: Bod Petryal picnic site (B5105)

Grid reference: SJ 036513

Well here is a route that lives up to its name. Taking you from the picturesque lake at the sheltered Bod Petryal picnic site right up to the exposed moorland that surrounds Llyn Brenig. With almost 1500m of climbing to endure, you’ll really appreciate the tremendous singletrack descents towards the end of this ride; they really do make all the effort worthwhile.


On The Map

Address: Start Point: Bod Petryal picnic site Grid reference: SJ 036513
Area: North Wales
Visit Wales Grading: 5*****
Grade: Hard
Height Climbed (metres): 943
Route Type: Mountain Bike Trail
Ride Time (hours): 4.5
Distance: 30+km
OS Map Required: OS Explorer 264
Trail Facilities: Local

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      Not only home to lime-loving plants such as Fairy Flax and Bloody Cranesbill, they also attract important pollinators such as the Pearl Bordered Fritillary.